
To hike is to not only live a healthy lifestyle but also connect with the natural world that surrounds us eternally. It is a way to breathe freely without the visual, auditory, and respiratory pollution brought on by humans. Luckily, there are still great places to hike all over the world. To name a few, there is Black Tusk in Vancouver, Joshua Tree in California, the Wonderland trail at Mount Rainier, the Camino in Spain, and the Inca Trail in Peru. A hike is a great way to travel, explore, and experience the serenity that can only be found within nature. However, hiking is very active and you will spend hours walking up and down hillsides, over varying terrain. Although hiking can be challenging, it can also be rewarding and a long hike can lead to some of the world’s most beautiful vistas and scenic outlooks. Hiking is difficult on your legs, and the hours spent walking can cause leg fatigue and leg pain. To keep your legs energized and protected from pain, wear Dr. Segal’s Compression Socks. They promote healthy blood flow that will keep you moving without any pain.

One hour north of Vancouver’s city center, you will find the beginning of the Black Tusk trail. An uphill hike, it passes Garibaldi Lake and leads to an exposed volcanic core atop a mountain – a breathtaking sight. Although it is not easy to mount, the top of Black Tusk provides one with a feeling of accomplishment accompanied with an expansive view that is nothing short of dizzying. To go up and down Black Tusk may take you more than one day. Many hikers stay overnight either around Black Tusk or just below, at Garibaldi Lake. It is a challenge, but for hikers of some experience it is a rewarding adventure that provides a beautiful view and the chance to spend a night camping. Certainly wear your Dr. Segal’s Compression Socks for this hike because it will help your legs fight off leg pain and keep your legs energized as you travel uphill towards your destination. 

Where Black Tusk is a hike through tall trees in a moist climate, Joshua Tree is in a dry desert that can be simultaneously beautiful and challenging. Located two hours east of Los Angeles, Joshua Tree National Park has many different trails that vary from easy to difficult. Dr. Segal’s Compression Socks, accompanied with lots of water, are essential for hiking in Joshua Tree. The park is so expansive that you will easily spend a whole day (if not days) walking and exploring. Your legs will need the help of the compression socks to keep up with your mind as it wanders in contemplation through the rock formations whilst musing upon the rare Joshua trees.

If determined, you will find good places to hike no matter where you are in the world. Hiking is a great way to experience nature and wildlife. Hiking also promotes a healthy lifestyle, which is good for everyone. Be sure to wear your Dr. Segal’s Compression Socks on all hikes so that you can keep your mind on the beautiful experience of being one with nature.