13 Great Leg Mobility Exercises for More Energy
Posted by SIMON LIM

Do you ever feel like you're just dragging throughout the day? This can be especially frustrating when you have a lot of things to do. Well, guess what - there is a solution!
Mobility exercises are a great way to improve your leg circulation and range of motion. By doing leg mobility exercises, you can increase your energy and feel more motivated to take on the world.
In this blog post, we will discuss great leg mobility exercises for more energy that you can do at home. Let's get started!
What is Leg Mobility?
Before we get into the exercises, let's first discuss what actually is leg mobility. Leg mobility is the ability to move your legs freely and without pain. Many factors can affect this, such as tight muscles, poor circulation, or injuries. Doing simple exercises can improve your leg mobility and make you feel more energetic throughout the day.
Benefits of Leg Mobility Exercises
There are many benefits to doing leg mobility exercises, such as:
- Increased circulation
- Improved range of motion and flexibility
- Strengthens your lower body
- Improve coordination and balance
- Reduced pain
- Increased energy
- Improved mental clarity
- Better overall health
13 Leg Mobility Exercises
Here are some great leg mobility exercises for more energy that you can do at home:
Hamstring stretches: Stretching your hamstrings is a great way to improve your leg flexibility. To do this exercise:
- Start by lying on your back with one leg straight and the other bent.
- Slowly raise your straight leg until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds before switching legs.
Hip flexor stretch: Hip flexor stretch may be helpful to people who experience tight hips. To do this exercise:
- Kneel on one leg with the other foot placed in front of you.
- Keep your back straight.
- Lean forward until you feel a stretch in the front of the hip of the back leg.
Calf raises: This mobility exercise helps improve your leg circulation and improves lower limb mobility. To do this exercise:
- Stand your feet shoulder-width apart and raise onto your toes.
- Hold this position for a few seconds before lowering back down.
- Repeat this exercise 20 times.
Squats: Squatting is a great way to improve your balance and lower body strength. To do this exercise:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower down into a squat position.
- Make sure your knees stay in line with your toes as you lower down.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds before standing back up.
Lunges: Lunges are a mobility exercise that can help stretch your leg muscles and improve your balance. To do this exercise:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and take a large step forward with one leg.
- Lower your body down until both of your knees are at 90-degree angles.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds before switching legs.
Calf stretch: Stretching your calves is a great way to improve your leg circulation and range of motion. To do this exercise:
- Place your hands on a wall and step back with one leg.
- Keeping your heel down, bend your front knee.
- Lean forward until you feel a stretch in the calf of the back leg.
Toe touches: Toe touches help improve flexibility in your hamstrings, calves, and lower back. To do this exercise:
- Stand with your feet together.
- Reach down towards your toes with both hands.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds before standing back up.
Heel walks: Heel walks are an amazing mobility exercise to stretch your calves and strengthen your feet. To do this exercise:
- Stand on your toes and walk forward for 20 steps.
- Reverse the direction and walk backward for 20 steps.
Piriformis stretch: This mobility exercise is a fantastic way to relieve the pain along the sciatic nerve and improve lower limb mobility. To do this exercise:
- Lie on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Cross one leg over the other, placing the ankle on the opposite knee.
- Use your hand to grab the thigh of the crossed leg and pull it towards you. You should feel a stretch in the buttock of the crossed leg.
High knees: High knees are a great mobility exercise to improve your lower body coordination. To do this exercise:
- Stand in place and raise one knee towards your chest.
- Hold this position for a few seconds before switching legs.
- Repeat this exercise 20 times.
Butt kicks: Butt kicks are an excellent way to stretch your hamstrings and help enhance your lower body endurance. To do this exercise:
- Stand in place and kick one leg behind you, trying to reach your hand with your heel.
- Hold this position for a few seconds before switching legs.
- Repeat this exercise 20 times.
Skater hops: Skater hops are a fantastic mobility exercise that helps improve your leg circulation and range of motion. To do this exercise:
- Start in a squat position with one leg behind you, balanced on your toes.
- Jump up and switch legs mid-air, landing in a squat position with the other leg behind you.
- Repeat this exercise 20 times.
Groin stretch: Groin stretch can help increase your leg muscles' range of motion and prevent muscle strains, tears, and other injuries. To do this exercise:
- Sit on the floor with both legs straight out in front of you.
- Bend one leg and place the ankle on the opposite thigh.
- Use your hands to grab the bent knee and pull it towards you. You should feel a stretch in the inner thigh of the bent leg.
There are many benefits to doing leg mobility exercises. Increasing your leg mobility can increase your energy levels, reduce pain, and improve your overall quality of life. So what are you waiting for?
Try out these 13 great leg mobility exercises for more energy.